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NGO vows to transform leadership … with prayers

4681 Isaac Mpatwas TZW

Tue, 13 Mar 2018 Chanzo: dailynews.co.tz

He expressed the commitment during the Third Annual National Prayer Breakfast here on Sunday organised in partnership with the Committee of Union of Churches. The prayer session running on a theme “Integrity in Leadership” was attended by more than 200 participants from government, business, religious and community leaders.

Welcoming the participants, Mr Mpatwa, used the occasion to introduce KLNT as a non-governmental, non-partisan and non-denominational organisation that exists to identify, develop, mentor, deploy and support Ethical Valuebased leaders for Tanzania and Africa at large.

“At Kingdom Leadership Network Tanzania we are passionate to see transformation in leadership across all sectors and levels of leadership in our country Tanzania. KLNT is made up of people with a common desire to answer their call into leadership and become custodians of the Nation’s wealth” he said.

He further added that deliberately organised the event to be held in Dodoma, in recognition of it being the heart and official capital city thus it brings together leaders and policy makers.

KLNT board of trustees Chairman, Mr Ibrahim Kaduma, pointed out that similar to other nations that host the same event, the Tanzania National Prayer Breakfast is held with the intention of bringing together the nation’s top leadership with a two fold purpose. “ … first, it is coming together in prayer and thanksgiving for our Nation; and second, to sensitize and raise National Leaders into God fearing, impeccably ethical and committed patriots” said Mr Kaduma.

Chanzo: dailynews.co.tz